So What?

(outline) Magical Mystery Tour" 2000-2001 was extremely interesting, but it was only in Asia and Europe, so I started trip again in summer of 2007 for rounding the whole world, but then I realized only one short life is not enough to visit to all countries,,,


,,so that if YOU had met with me before and had photos of you or me,PLEASE send me it by e-mail to make this blog better(even if you hadn't met)

Oct 11, 2011

I slept on the street in Zagreb, 10 years ago.

.A driver whom I hitchhiked said "You sent me CS-mail" !?
.Finally I reached to ZAGREB !!
but it's eastern surburb, Sesvete.
---At Lebanese restaurant, CS-host introduced me to her friend but
the friend said "You sent me CS-mail" !?
12, Oct. Zagreb
.exploring Sesvete
.my luck carried me to dentist-host.
13, Oct. already leaving Zagreb
.since 2008,I have been living without treat my teeth problems, but
finally I started to treat them in Bergana of Slovenia! even if it's not in Slovenia.
It was the most excited incident,so I can't describe well, even if I can.
But meeting new people were continued unexpectedly,
besides CS-host is still everyday new,but I could fight my way through with smile
because I was exciting,,,
but  I couldn't be online for 2 nights.
14, Oct. Samobor---Zabok
Surely I started hitchhike from 8am from Zagreb but I couldn't catch a car all day,
I just walked over 10km,I was discouraged much by myself,
then in village Bistra,I borrowed phone from a family in house
to call to today's CS-host 20km far from there 8pm, but
a family invited me tea,then meal. a daughter and boyfriend were quite interesting,
family also welcomed me warmly, but why I didn't ask hosting?
then they offered me to drive till CS-host' town Zabok 10:30pm.
But host went to bed soon,and I couldn't use Internet because it's late time.
My exhausted body and mind was healed much village'family,then
suddenly I was forced sleep although I was exciting, so I got depressed totally.
15, Oct. Zabok
 I got up with dissapointment.
(,,to be continued)
16, Oct. Zabok
17, Oct. Zagreb
18, Oct. Zagreb
.Today's host's words after greeting was also "What are you doing in Croatia?"
!?,,but I don't ask Why did you invite me? or else.
19, Oct.
,,,I have meeting many people who is facing computer all the time by addiction of facebook,
but I haven't met someone who is facing computer all the time although don't use facebook like me.
Finally my host and me had almost no contact for 22 hours,I left there 3pm.
.I have taken radioactivity for photo of teeth in clinic though, I had to exchange money to Croatian kuuna
because I had not enough kuna, even if it's for having radioactivity!?
.Meeting Japanese someone sometimes maybe important for me,
to not forget that I'm slightly forgetting Japanese language,,
.Check CS-mail at McDonald, finally no one answered me about tonight, many CSers sent me mail "Welcome my place anytime" but without phone number, or with phone number but can't connect.
.At green park inside center of city, a guy and a girl were rounding and rounding, they taught me squat place,
Thanks for them and squat place!
.many youth were chilling in squat's bar, but I'm shy, and tired mentally, I don't want to admit that my travel is wasting time,because it's equal as my life is wasting? but can't help myself to admit it.
Back again to McDonald, I didn't want to make my Zagreb days for only e-mail, though, one after another some gladful mail came, someone from my 2008' memory, from 2010, even if it's from just last place from Zagreb but I feel it's a few month ago's memory,, Today I hadn't communicate with real people much though, eventually I was so encouraged by mails, people don't know How much traveler would be glad to recieve any message from old friends. ---written at MacDonald

20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 , 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, Oct. Zagreb
(,,to be continued)

31, Oct. Samobor
1,Nov. at Bregana, border of Slovenia, police arrested me..


Oct 1, 2011

I crossed the border to Bosnia

nice city with 3 rivers.
.my everyday' life is just light surface' talking endlessly?
.Shockingly impressive ballet-performance theater, I wouldn't be able to sleep from today,,
.rock festival but we missed main band, only a cheap band I dislike,
2, Oct. Sisak
.suddenly my CS-host took me to border of Bosnia!?
3, Oct. Dvor
4, Oct. Dvor
5, Oct. Dvor---Sisak
stuck in village suburb of Sisak,
after 9pm I gave up,
Mario was drunken but invited me but didn't host me,
slept putside, actually tried to sleep.
6, Oct.
a driver took me till Ivanic-Grad merrilly, his name was also Mario.
7, Oct. Ivanic-Grad
eat and sleep, and eat and sleep,,
8, Oct. Ivanic-Grad
eat and sleep, and eat,and sleep,,
9, Oct. Ivanic-Grad
I didn't care much when I was 33 as I didn't grew up with belief to Jesus,
but I care John Lennon's short life was only 40 years because I haven't done nothing yet,,
.Thanks CS'hosts for driving more than half of today's my trip,
then easy hitchhike,,it's not enough to feel that I traveled today.
.It's OK that CS-hosts drive me to hill in the night for drink for hours, disgusting situation is normal for me.
.As long as it's not written their address and "Which date is better to host me?"
I can't reply to CS'hosts' invite answer'mail, although I already have gotten many invites from Zagreb,
and also most remarkable interesting invite but "If you could come within 3 days"!?
,,CSing is always something trial for me, if I had spent time for 24 hours per day only for sending e-mails to organize it, I would surf to all of them in best order but,,
10, Oct. Svt.Ivan Zelina
Starting hitchhike 2:30pm would be late
---After only 1 car's ride,I was stuck in the country-road, I walked through some village---a woman got angury and cursed and kicked me out only she heard my word "tourist" !? but several houses
neighbour gave me chiken and bread---after it got dark very few trafiic, but as usual, soon after I had given up and determined to start knocking doors in village,a car drove me to
Marija Bistrija
why I came here,not only because I expected to stay in monastery but also my first CS-host in this year was in bistrica of Romania.
---but anyway it was impossible to stay in monastery,
8pm but ghost town, I changed my mind to continue to hitchhike to my CS-host in Zagreb, but anyway almost no traffic, changed mind again to knock on doors,,but houses' lights are already were turned down,,,
(to be continued)